About Us
Our Principal, Principles, and Mentor
Greetings, I’m Mark Collins, the Master Coach at Walter’s Legacy! I’m thrilled to connect with you and tell you a little about what I do here at WaltersLegacy.store.
First and foremost, we’re driven by a relentless commitment to elevate your success as a real estate professional, regardless of your financial circumstances. We innovated Invest What You Can Afford pricing so everyone can integrate the remarkable systems and strategies crafted by Walter Sanford, one of America’s greatest agents. Thus, ensuring that every agent has access to the tools they need to thrive.
As Gary Keller aptly stated, “Walter Sanford knows real estate, and everyone in real estate should know Walter.”
We wholeheartedly embrace this sentiment and are dedicated to ensuring that Walter’s expertise reaches every corner of the industry. Join us in this transformative journey as we empower you to define your own success in real estate. Together, let’s make Walter’s invaluable insights an indispensable part of your agent’s toolkit.
Click this link to learn more about Invest What You Can Afford pricing.
Our Mission
To help real estate professionals maximize their potential, increase their impact, and attain greater fulfillment in their career.
Our Vision
We firmly believe that when real estate professionals excel, they can better serve their clients, positively influence their communities, and create lasting legacies in the real estate industry.
About Walter
Walter’s Story
In His Own Words
“Some say I was the top real estate agent in North America for 30 years, who knows for sure. Here is what I know for sure; selling at mega-production or even normal production is work, lots of it. You must generate leads all the time, be great at bringing them to signature, and then leverage that existing business into more. Over my 40 years in the business, I think that I figured out the secrets. I was motivated because I wanted more than personal financial security, I wanted to make changes in other people’s lives.”
-Walter Sanford
Incredible Support and Friendly Staff
Proven Systems and Strategies
Taxes and Shipping Included
A Company that Puts You First
At WaltersLegacy.store, we’re passionate about leveling the playing field for everyone. That’s why we’ve embraced a revolutionary pricing approach: Invest What You Can Afford! We firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to access top-notch products and services that empower personal and professional growth.